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Sustainable way of Producing Food, Feed and Fuel(可持续的食品、饲料和燃料生产方式)

时间 2019年5月22日13:00 地点 研究生院会议室316 类别 学术报告

时    间:2019年5月22日13:00

地    点:研究生院会议室316


类    别:学术报告


报告人:Venkatesh Balan  教授

工作单位:University of Houston


      Some of his present projects include: understanding the pretreatment conditions using ammonia process, developing high through-put enzyme activity assay in microplates, producing lightweight materials using Nano cellulose and lignin, microbial fermentation to produce high value chemicals, genome sequencing and annotation of high temperature edible mushrooms. He has published over 156 publications, awarded 6 patent to his credit and published a book. He also has served as an expert reviewer for numerous scientific journals and served in several scientific review panels.



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