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Myostatin and muscle biology/肌抑素功能与肌肉发育生物学

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杨金增  夏威夷大学农学院 教授

加拿大阿尔贝塔大学 (University of Alberta)博士学位毕业,美国农业部动物生物技术实验室(马里兰州)博士后研究. 现任职美国夏威夷大学马诺校区教授(University of Hawaii at Manoa)从事生物技术与基础医学科研和教学工作。杨博士研究团队独立承担了多项美国国家研究项目,已获资助经费1百多万美元以上。在国际著名学术期刊发表专业论文四十余篇。主要研究兴趣:1)在细胞和分子水平上肌肉生长,肌肉与脂肪相互作用的调节机制 2)肥胖症和二型糖尿病转基因动物模型的研究应用; 3)转基因动物的研究和应用。美国内分泌学会正式会员,受邀多个国际著名生物期刊 (Endocrinology, Genetics, BMC Genomics)特邀审稿和担任编辑。



The number of skeletal muscle fiber is determined before birth in mammals, prenatal muscle formation is crucial for postnatal healthy skeletal muscle growth and development. A skeletal muscle-specific inhibitor of growth and differentiation, namely myostatin, was identified to play a dominant role in muscle formation or fiber number, as well as postnatal muscle. Genetic modification of myostatin function in mice showed significant effects on muscle growth and prevention of type II diabetes. A myostatin-based genetic approach in large animal model had validated and complete previous mouse models, further molecular and cellular mechanisms of on muscle growth based on transgenic animals with depressed myostatin function will be presented in the seminar.

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